Drømmen om dyrenes karneval / Dreaming the Carnival of the Animals
Dreaming of the Carnival of the Animals is a theatre concert for children and adults, based on Debussy’s and C. Saint- Saëns’ immortal music, performed by eleven classical musicians, and seven puppeteers.
Theater Etcétera is a Spanish theatre known for high quality productions. Dreaming of the Carnival of the Animals is a unique performance stuffed with surprises, combining all sorts of huge animal puppets and classical music in a wonderful experience for the whole family, from five years and up.
Do not miss this show
Medvirkende: 6 dukkeførere samt 11 musikere
Instruktør: Enrique Lanz
Dramatiker: Enrique Lanz
Dukker: Theatre Etcétera
Scenograf: Enrique Lanz
Komponist: Debussys og C. Saint-Saëns / Oriol Alguer
Age: The whole family from 5 years
Language: Nonverbal
Price: 75 kr.
Duration: 60 min.
Jysk Musikteater (5)
(Store scene)
Saturday 9/11 18:30
Sunday 10/11 13:00
Ticket sales start on 19th September at 10:00