Teater Refleksion

Bænken / The Bench

A moving and humorous story about a typical day in the life of a bench.

A bench is so ordinary and yet so magical. Benches are everywhere in towns, parks and gardens, like open invitations. Sometimes the guests on a bench merely brush against each other, other times relationships evolve, connections happen, moments are shared and who knows, maybe friendship can grow?

An elderly lady does everything she can to keep life at bay – from her bench. But the hectic surroundings take her by surprise. It isn’t so easy to be left in peace to be lonely, old and grouchy!

A boy is skateboarding, a dog is sniffing and running around, birds are chirping, and a kind elderly gentleman wants to read his newspaper.

All of this is a big nuisance!

Medvirkende: Rebekah Caputo/Maria Garde, Neasa Ni Chuanaigh
Manuskript: Sven Ørnø
Instruktion: Bjarne Sandborg
Scenografi/dukker: Amanda Axelsen Sigaard
Musik/Lyddesign: Andreas Sandborg, Jacob Venndt
Lysdesign: Morten Ladefoged



Age: From 6 years and adults
Language: Non verbal
Price: 50 kr.
Duration: 45 min.


Langsøhallen (8)

Saturday 9/11 12:00
Sunday 10/11 13:00


Ticket sales start on 19th September at 10:00

Buy tickets here

Festival of Wonder 2021