Syddjurs Egnsteater, Hakkehuset & Museum Ovartaci

Sindet er en sommerfugl / The Mind is a Butterfly

Enter a world of poetry and transformation. Inspired by the artist Ovartaci’s unique journey through the landscapes of art and the mind, we invite you to a special performance, where the beauty of change meets the stigmatized mind with empathy and understanding.

Ovartaci is sitting in a hospital room. Throughout the performance the clinically clean room changes with colorful creations and live music. Ovartaci is reborn as a girl, a soldier and a butterfly.

‘The Mind is a Butterfly’ is a journey into the deepest corners of the soul. This poetic tale does not only explore the limits of dreams and reality, but also current themes of mental strength and identity.

The artist Ovartaci lived at a psychiatric hospital in Risskov for 56 years. There he pursued his substantial artistic work, in which he used imagination and art to interpret the reality he met as a psychiatric patient.

Medvirkende: Maiken Dubois og Elisabeth Klein
Musik komposition: Keld Haaning Ibsen og Elisabeth Klein
Scenografi: Karin Sjöholm
Dukkemager: Maiken Dubois
Lysdesign: Amalie Fabricius-Steen
Instruktion: Magnus Grøner Errboe
Dramaturg: Marion Vick
Konsulenter: Brian Benjamin Hansen, Georg Schwarz og Karsten Petersen


Age: From 10 years
Language: Danish
Price: 50 kr.
Duration: 50 min.


Langsøhallen (8)

Sunday 10/11 14:30


Ticket sales start on 19th September at 10:00

Buy tickets here

Festival of Wonder 2021